“Get Up & At ‘Em” Romans 13 & 14
Video Coming soon
A lot of times, we love messages and sermons that talk about the love of God and everything He has done for us. While this is good, sometimes we tend to struggle with messages that challenge our thinking or way of living and when a call is given to change. At the root of this struggle is how we view "authority." When it comes to the Christian life, there is one ultimate authority: the Lord Jesus Christ. But there is a huge difference between simply "knowing" that to be true and actually "living" like it is true. We must humble ourselves to not only obey God's authority but also the authorities that He Himself has put into place on this Earth.
Reflection Questions:
How do you view politics, the government, and similar authoritative figures? Do your views line up with the Word of God? Why or why not?
In what areas of your life is the Holy Spirit leading you to confess and repent? Do you also need to ask for help and accountability to overcome those areas?
What steps can you take THIS week to show Christ's love to your neighbor (specifically your actual physical neighbor?)