Genesis 32-33 “The Gift Of Reconciliation

Forgiveness and reconciliation can be very difficult to do sometimes. However, God still calls us to be willing and able to forgive those who wrong us. It is a convicting truth that if the King of the universe could forgive traitors and criminals like us & adopt us as His own children, then CERTAINLY we should be able to forgive our fellow human beings, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. Today's story of Jacob and Esau is a perfect example of what reconciliation looks like when God steps in.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever had a "wrestling" match with God? What was it about and what were the "results" of the match?

  2. God changed Jacob's name from "Deceiver" (Jacob) to "God rules" (Israel). If God were to give YOU a new name now that you are a follower of Christ, what would it be?

  3. Are you struggling to forgive someone in your life who wronged you? What steps can you take TODAY to begin the process of forgiving them?

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


Genesis Series - The Gift of Redemption 


“What Do You See” Mark 8