“Grow With The Flow”

God has richly blessed our church and cultivated in us an obsession with Jesus and a desire to see Him glorified in everything we say and do. It is our prayer that He would continue this "flow" and with that, we would "grow" not only numerically but deeper in every area of our relationship with Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some ways we can demonstrate the Gospel to the people we see everyday (friends, family, coworkers, strangers, etc.)?

  2. What do you believe about Jesus Christ? If you'd say you are a Christian, how has your life changed since meeting Jesus?

  3. "Love God. Love People. Make Disciples." Are you currently discipling anyone? If not, is there anyone you could reach out to this week and ask if they would allow you to mentor & disciple them?

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


“Belief to Behavior”


“A Pathway To Promise”