“God’s Plan” Romans 9-11
Video Coming soon
The Bible says that God's ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts. This can be a difficult truth to process. Especially when things happen in our lives that we don't understand or don't go the way we expected. It is during these times, however, when we must CLING to what we know about God's character. The Devil would love for us to doubt and question God and His ways but we must remember He is loving, wise, holy, sovereign, and just - ALL of the time. And while God is in control and allows things to happen, that does not exclude our responsibility to make decisions and be obedient to Him. It is a beautiful picture and profound dance of sovereignty and free will.
Reflection Questions:
Why do we tend to struggle with trusting God when things go "bad" in our lives? How can we learn to trust Him better and see Him as the Bible describes Him - a loving, wise Father?
When you encounter or see lost people - maybe it's at a coffee shop, your workplace, or on the news - do you feel sad? Does your heart break for them? Or do you have feelings of anger and disgust? What steps can you take THIS week to begin to see them and feel for them like Jesus does?
God is sovereign but also allows us to make our own decisions. However, He knows best and ANYTHING outside of HIM and His will will only hurt us in the long run. Is there any area of your life that you are choosing to disobey God in? Why don't you decide TODAY to surrender that area to Him and see how He will do MIRACLES.