“Future Restoration” Romans 11

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If you have watched the news at any point in the past several months, no doubt you would have seen Israel mentioned quite often. It can be scary and yet exciting at the same time when we hear Israel mentioned in current world events. After all, Israel will play a massive role in the fulfillment of many end time prophecies. Because of this, it is good to reflect on how thankful we should be that God chose to open salvation up to us Gentiles (non-Jewish people). Jesus Christ is still Israel's Messiah and while they reject Him now, how marvelous it is that someday soon the nation of Israel will finally see and believe that He truly is the Lord and Savior they have been waiting for. Let us continually pray for Israel.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some reasons that Jewish people do not accept Jesus as their Messiah?

  2. Why is it so important to remember that God has a plan for Israel and He has not forgotten or forsaken them?

  3. When was the last time you met or talked with a Jewish person? When was the last time you prayed for the Jewish people or the nation of Israel? Let’s begin to pray for them TODAY and ask Jesus to reveal Himself to them in undeniable ways.

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


“The Value Of Transformation” Romans 12


“Salvation Is Here!” Romans 10