“Down To The River” 2 Kings 5:1-17
Video Coming soon
A lot of times when we pray to God and ask Him to do something, we already have it planned out in our minds how we think God should do it. And then when He doesn't or it doesn't go exactly how we thought, we become frustrated and even angry at Him. As we will see in today's message, we must remember that God's ways are higher than ours and He knows best. It is up to us if we are going to trust Him by faith or try to figure things out on our own. It is only by fully surrendering to Him we will experience the answer or "healing" to our situation that we are looking for.
Reflection Questions:
Do you believe that God still does miracles? If He could do one miracle in your life (or someone else's) today, what would it be? Ask Him about that right now.
Out of the several "wound" areas that Pastor James talked about today, which one do you tend to struggle with the most? Why do you think that is?
Is there any area of your life that needs healing but you have been avoiding it? What steps can you take THIS WEEK to surrender it to Jesus and begin the healing process?