Genesis 24 ”Watering Camels”

Back in the day, when someone said, "I promise," you knew they meant it. Nine times out of 10 you could count on that person. In our current culture and society, people make & break promises all the time. They tell you one thing and they cross their fingers behind their back and have no intention of doing it. God is not like this. There are a few things God actually can't do: God is incapable of changing (He is the same yesterday, today, and forever) and He is incapable of lying. This means when God says He will do something, He WILL do it. If He did not, that would mean He has ceased being Himself and is no longer God. Isn't it so comforting to know that when our God makes a promise, we can trust that no matter how bad the situation looks, He will do it and come through for us?

Reflection Questions:

1. The Bible is full of promises. How many of them do you know? Find 5 promises TODAY and write them down and meditate on how they apply to your life.

2. Have you ever felt God specifically led you to a certain person or location for something? (Maybe your spouse, a best friend, a job, or someone to share the Gospel with?) What were the events that led up to that moment? How was God faithful every step of the way?

3. Is there any decision the Holy Spirit is leading you to make but you are unsure or uneasy about it? Ask God to remind you how He has been faithful to you in the past and let that fuel your faith to make this decision now.

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


Genesis 25 ”A Story Of Two Brothers”


Genesis 23 “The Death Of Sarah”