Genesis 28 & 29 “A Ladder & A Lie”
There is a lot to be learned from the life of Jacob - he made many mistakes and he oftentimes took the hard road instead of the easy one. Sometimes we can make decisions like Jacob in our own lives. We may feel God leading us to go a certain way but we run from it. The Bible is clear that our actions have consequences and we will "reap" whatever we "sow." But the beauty of it all is that God is relentless in His patience, grace, and love towards us. He sent His Son Jesus to make a way to bring us back to Himself. Take heart in knowing that no matter how many times you have messed up, Jesus still offers His forgiveness to you and wants you to be more like Him.
Reflection Questions:
1. When was the last time you clearly saw evidence of God working in your life? How did that experience change you?
2. God desires our worship and to be 1st place in our lives. Is there any area of your life you are hesitant to surrender to Him? Why might that be? What can you do to begin to trust Him with that area?
3. Are you walking in the path of righteousness or the path of sin & selfishness? God is gracious indeed but our actions still have consequences and we are not promised tomorrow. What would it take for you to start walking on the right path TODAY?