Genesis 27 “ A Message In The Mess”
Have you ever watched a movie or TV show about an "amazing" family and wished you could have that? Whether it was "The Incredibles" or "The Brady Bunch," I'm sure we've all been there at some point! Our world is broken and messed up. That harsh reality is that same brokenness creeps into every area of our life - including our families. This is why we must FIGHT to love & remain unified with our parents, our children, and our brothers & sisters. It takes work but it will be SO worth it in the end. But we must FIRST start by identifying the toxic, dysfunctional traits that we may not even realize occur on a daily basis. It is only by destroying the roots we can begin to see real change and healing happen.
Reflection Questions:
1. If you were to ask those closest to you (a best friend, your spouse, your children, etc.) how you treat them and love them, what would they say? Would you be brave enough to ask them after this sermon?
2. Are there any "dysfunctional" traits you remember in your family while you were growing up? Do you notice any similar traits popping up in your life/family now?
3. Pastor Chad listed 9 characteristics of a "functional" family. Which characteristic(s) will you commit to begin working on THIS month with your family?