“Justified By Faith” - Romans 5 & 6
Over the past few weeks, we have seen how all of humanity is exceedingly wicked and yet God remains exceedingly merciful. We've seen what Jesus did to rescue us (dying and rising again) and now we will look at HOW we can be justified before a holy God. All throughout history, God's MEANS of salvation has always been faith - beginning with Abraham. In the Old Testament, the OBJECT of that faith was God Himself. The people trusted God that the sacrifices they made would cover their sins (although only temporary). But now that God has instituted a New Covenant (or “Testament”), the object of faith is Jesus Christ. And now anyone who trusts in Him can have their sins FOREVER covered and erased. It is by faith in Him ALONE that can redeem and justify.
Reflection Questions:
For those who are followers of Jesus Christ, God is now our Father and Friend. How can that apply to our life on a Monday morning?
The Bible says believers are the "Bride" of Jesus, which means He is our "Husband." Jesus has promised to never leave us and therefore, never "divorce" us. How does it make you feel that you can never lose your salvation and "marriage" to Jesus?
For a brief moment, think of a time in your life where you experienced tremendous suffering. In what ways did God turn that time into joy and allowed you to see good come from it?