Take Heart - Fall Family Fun Fest 2023

Today is our annual "Fall Family Fun Fest" and we are SO thankful for the beautiful weather we are having! We are gathered with our families, friends, neighbors, and new people we haven’t even met yet! Moments like these are when the local church comes together in thriving unity and experiences the deepest of joys. But on a wonderful day like today, the sad truth is many people all over the world are not experiencing what we have. Our world is struggling greatly to find peace. Wars and rumors of wars are on the rise. We can try and look the other way but the reality is that darkness is all around. Today we will focus on some encouraging & hopeful truths from God's Word. The challenge is we would take this message with us and spread it like it's contagious to those sitting in the dark!

Reflection Questions:

1. Has there ever been a time in your life when you were facing a "storm" or intense trial but yet you felt the unshakable peace of God?

2. The Bible says Jesus is a very "present help" in our time of need. What does it mean that Jesus is a "present help" in every moment of your life?

3. When was the last time you saw your own personal "Red Sea" separated and you walked through on "dry ground?"

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


Genesis 26 “Monkey See - Monkey Do”


Genesis 25 ”A Story Of Two Brothers”