Genesis 26 “Monkey See - Monkey Do”

We make hundreds - if not thousands - of little decisions each day. Most of them are so trivial we may not even realize we do them! However, there are other actions & decisions we make that carry massive impact. These are the most important ones that others will observe and remember. This is especially true when it comes to our friends and families. We have tremendous influence on who we spend time with and vice versa. If you are a Christ follower, then the goal is to live out behaviors that are "like Christ" - things that He would do. And the prayerful goal is others will see those actions and desire to tap into what life can be like when God is involved.

Reflection Questions:

1. The saying is so true: "Monkey see, monkey do." Are there any behaviors in your life that negatively affect others? Are there any bad habits that you do that people around you copy (i.e. your children, your spouse, your friends, etc.)?

2. When we come to Jesus, all sins and curses are forever broken and lose their power over us. However, we can still encounter temptations and sinful "tendencies" that run in our families. What are some ways you can actively fight against those tendencies and find victory in Christ?

3. Are there any "secret" sins in your life that you hide from others? The Bible says we "reap" what we "sow" and that our sins will eventually "find us out." In addition to God, who else can you go to TODAY to begin the process of overcoming any hidden sins?

Share your testimony with us on social media of what God did through His word


Genesis 27 “ A Message In The Mess”


Take Heart - Fall Family Fun Fest 2023